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Convert a JSON feed to an rss feed (RSS 2.0.11). Supports the @xmlns:itunes iTunes RSS extensions and best practices for podcasts, xmlns:dc Dublin Core author names, and the xmlns:content RDF Site Summary 1.0 Modules: Content encoded content extension.

JSON feed icon


$ npm install jsonfeed-to-rss


const jsonfeedToRSS = require('jsonfeed-to-rss')
const someJSONFeed = require('./load-some-json-feed-data.json')

const rssFeed = jsonfeedToRSS(someJSONFeed) // Returns an rss 2.0.11 formatted json feed

Example input:

  "title":"bret.io log",
  "description": "A simple summary that describes the podcast.  It can have a few sentences.\n\nIf there is more than one paragraph, it gets truncated in some contexts.",
     "name":"Bret Comnes",
     "owner": {
       "email": "bcomnes@gmail.com"
     "image": "https://jsonfeed-to-rss.netlify.com/icon-3000x3000.png",
     "category": "Sports & Recreation",
     "subcategory": "Outdoor"
        "content_html":"<h1>Curam ad aut hactenus dentes cedere vigil</h1>\n<h2>Non Clitorio vertitur cavatur</h2>\n<p>Lorem markdownum edendi, non ad clamant solacia septem ambierantque. Scelus te\nmihi arcum fore nitidam; in dixit de simul.</p>",
        "image": "https://jsonfeed-to-rss.netlify.com/a-url-to-a-post/episode-3000x3000.png",
        "_itunes": {
          "episode": 12
              "title":"Hey this is a podcast episode",

Example output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd">
    <atom:link href="https://jsonfeed-to-rss.netlify.com/snapshots/readme-feed-rss.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
    <title>bret.io log</title>
    <description>A simple summary that describes the podcast.  It can have a few sentences.

If there is more than one paragraph, it gets truncated in some contexts.</description>
    <copyright>© 2018 Bret Comnes</copyright>
    <pubDate>Sat, 07 Apr 2018 20:48:02 GMT</pubDate>
    <category>Sports &amp; Recreation</category>
    <generator>jsonfeed-to-rss 1.1.1 (https://github.com/bcomnes/jsonfeed-to-rss#readme)</generator>
      <title>bret.io log</title>
    <itunes:author>Bret Comnes</itunes:author>
    <itunes:summary>A simple summary that describes the podcast.  It can have a few sentences.</itunes:summary>
    <itunes:subtitle>A simple summary that describes the podcast.</itunes:subtitle>
      <itunes:name>Bret Comnes</itunes:name>
    <itunes:image href="https://jsonfeed-to-rss.netlify.com/icon-3000x3000.png"/>
    <itunes:category text="Sports &amp; Recreation">
      <itunes:category text="Outdoor"/>
      <title>Curam ad aut hactenus dentes cedere vigil</title>
      <dc:creator>Bret Comnes</dc:creator>
      <description>Curam ad aut hactenus dentes cedere vigil
Non Clitorio vertitur cavatur
Lorem markdownum edendi, non ad clamant solacia septem ambierantque. Scelus te
mihi arcum fore nitidam; in dixit de simul.</description>
        <![CDATA[<h1>Curam ad aut hactenus dentes cedere vigil</h1>
<h2>Non Clitorio vertitur cavatur</h2>
<p>Lorem markdownum edendi, non ad clamant solacia septem ambierantque. Scelus te
mihi arcum fore nitidam; in dixit de simul.</p>]]>
      <guid isPermaLink="false">https://jsonfeed-to-rss.netlify.com/a-url-to-a-post-2018-04-07T20:48:02.000Z</guid>
      <pubDate>Sat, 07 Apr 2018 20:48:02 GMT</pubDate>
      <enclosure type="audio/mpeg" url="https://jsonfeed-to-rss.netlify.com/a-url-to-a-post/attatchment.mp4" length="1234"/>
      <itunes:title>Curam ad aut hactenus dentes cedere vigil</itunes:title>
      <itunes:author>Bret Comnes</itunes:author>
      <itunes:subtitle>Curam ad aut hactenus dentes cedere vigil</itunes:subtitle>
      <itunes:summary>Curam ad aut hactenus dentes cedere vigil</itunes:summary>


jsonfeedToRSS(parsedJsonfeed, opts)

Coverts a parsed JSON feed into an RSS feed. Returns the string of the rss feed.

Opts include:

  // a function that returns the rss feed url
  feedURLFn: (feedURL, jf) => feedURL.replace(/\.json\b/, '-rss.xml'),
  language: 'en-us',
  copyright: ${now.getFullYear()} ${jf.author && jf.author.name ? jf.author.name : ''}`,
  idIsPermalink: false, // if guid is the permalink, you can set this true
  category, // array of categories.. will attempt to use iTunes categories if available
  itunes: !!jf._itunes // generate RSS feed with iTunes extensions

Dublin Core Extensions

There is only one mapping implemented between jsonfeed and RSS:


RDF Site Summary Extensions

The content:encoded field is used to store an html representation of content, and RSS’s default description field is for a plain text representation.


iTunes Extensions

If the itunes option is set to true (or if the jsonfeed._itunes extension object is included in the jsonfeed) the resulting RSS feed will include as many itunes extension tags as possible. You can override/set _itunes extension fields from the opts.itunes object.

All _itunes.property map directly to the RSS itunes:property extensions, but most have default mappings to standard JSONFeed properties. Its better to rely on the default JSONFeed fields, but you can override these mappings by including explicit _itunes extension properties in your JSONFeed.



See also

Related projects

More iTunes RSS feed information

Reference RSS feeds

